OTP banka in the role of general sponsor of the exhibition of Ivan Meštrović in Zagreb

Mr Balazs Bekeffy, president of the Board of OTP banka d.d. signed the General Sponsorship Agreement for the largest exhibition of works of Ivan Meštrović seen in the last fifty years, jointly organised by the Gallery Klovićevi dvori and the Museums of Ivan Meštrović. At today’s press conference, the Agreement with OTP banka was signed by Ms Sandra Grčić Budimir, director of the Museums of Ivan Meštrović, and Mr Antonio Picukarić, director of Klovićevi dvori, who announced Meštrović’s oeuvre.

This long-awaited and carefully prepared project, aimed at presenting the works of one of the most renowned Croatians: sculptor, architect, publicist, essayist and poet Ivan Meštrović, has been finalised by the reputable institutions: Museums of Ivan Meštrović and the Gallery Klovićevi dvori to celebrate 140 years since the birth of Ivan Meštrović. The exhibition will remain open from 23rd November until the beginning of March next year, enabling the Croatian and international public to experience a selection of Meštrović’s art since his beginnings, to making a name in the world of art, all the way to his mature years. The exhibition has been curated from many countries such as United States of America, England, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, and – naturally – mainly from Croatia.   

„As the general sponsor, OTP banka proudly supports this exhibition, which will enable new generations to discover the deep impact that Ivan Meštrović made on the global scale, and not only in Croatia. Seeing his works in Croatia and on my travels abroad – from Ljubljana to Belgrade - made me realise his true greatness. That is why we, as a modern bank, opt to support such everlasting values, to contribute to affirmative projects in our society and be an example of a successful, sustainable and responsible business. All of that is embodied in this project: cooperation with the Gallery and the Museums, the work of which is synonymous with excellence and trust, and synergy channelled to promote the core values indicated in our mission statement – corporate social responsibility aimed at positive changes in our society and communities. Mindful of this, I would like to congratulate the organisers, curators and directors, and I am looking forward to being a part of this worthwhile event over the following three months, celebrating Meštrović’s 140th birth anniversary.“ – said Mr Balazs Bekeffy on the occasion of signing of the Agreement.

Ms Sandra Grčić Budimir, director of the Museums of Ivan Meštrović added: „All of us taking part in the organisation of the exhibition marking the 140th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Meštrović, are incredibly honoured on one hand, whilst on the other hand we stand in absolute awe of such valuable legacy, presented like this for the first time. From the technical and professional point of view, this endeavour has been exceptionally challenging, and it includes the most valuable and outstanding of Meštrović’s works. We are grateful to the Klovićevi dvori Gallery for cooperation. We believe that experts and wider public will equally enjoy this exhibition presenting around 200 works, from the well-known ones to the less-known master-pieces. Culture often needs backing, and this time we are especially grateful to our general sponsor OTP banka and Mr Balazs Bekeffy, president of the Board, for recognising the worth of this event and Meštrović’s oeuvre, bearing witness to the cultural identity in Croatia and internationally.“

Mr Antonio Picukarić, director of Klovićevi dvori, emphasised that the Gallery was to be the hub of the Croatian culture and art lovers over the following three months. He voiced his conviction that the exhibition will attract visitors, especially younger population, given that it has been curated to have an intergenerational appeal: around two hundred exhibits presented on three floors, in the atrium and in the foyer of the Gallery, and accompanying labels with details about the artist, the pieces and the circumstances in which they were created. „The works hand-picked by the experts and the supreme interior design of this venue creating an homage to the great artist Ivan Meštrović is a must-see. The support of OTP banka, as a company boasting corporate social responsibility and excellence, underpins everything I said earlier. I am grateful for the trust it has shown us.“