SMS info

SMS info

Your account in your hands – SMS info

Do you want to control the balance and turnover on your account? Do you want to have control of transactions made by your bank cards at all times? You require prompt information about Bank's services? If you hold an account with OTP banka and have a mobile phone, by using SMS info service you can stay informed via text messages around the clock, at any location with available GSM signal. This service is supported by all mobile operators in the Republic of Croatia.


SMS info service provides a safe access via your own mobile phone to the information about:

  • balance and transactions on your accounts,
  • use of your bank cards,
  • authorised and remaining credit card limits,
  • modifiction of the authorised current account overdraft,
  • foreign currency exchange rates,
  • balance of term deposits,
  • basic information about OTP banka.

More about the SMS info service

Depending on required information, you may set up one or all of the following services:

  •  SMS account control - insight into changes to account balance.

Should you decide to set up this service, you may choose an option that in terms of account monitoring suits you best or simply decide on all three options offered by this service, as follows:

  • SMS selected messages - Once a change, which triggers sending of an automatic text message to your mobile phone, is recorded on your account (salary or pension received on account, individual remittance, collection of cheques, term deposit fallen due, external payment on account, etc.), within the shortest possible time you will be informed of the new balance and the nature of the change. This option allows you to keep track of the balance and turnover on your accounts, in both domestic and foreign currency, and the balance and turnover on the accounts you are a signatory to. It is up to you to choose the accounts you wish to keep track of. 
  • SMS daily balance – If you have not set up the SMS selected messages option or a text message is not automatically sent to inform you about a recent change to your account, by setting up this particular option, you will receive a text message on changes that have been recorded on your account once a day (around 6 p.m.). You may set the floor amount and any summed up changes below that amount will not trigger a text message.
  • SMS service information – This option offers you the possibility of receiving a text message on regular half-yearly adjustment of the overdraft on your current account. If the authorised current account overdraft limit changes, the bank will send you a text message shortly and inform you of your new authorised overdraft.


  • SMS morning balance - be informed of changes on your accounts.

If your account balance has changed by more than HRK 25 in a day, the following morning we will send you a text message containing the latest balance of your account.

  • SMS control of bank card use - Overview of all transactions carried out with your bank cards.

When you use your debit or credit card, in the shortest possible time the Bank will send you an automatic text message containing the information on authorisation of an ATM cash withdrawal or paying for goods at a point of sale. This way you have efficient control of your expenses but also become aware of a potential unauthorised use of your card as soon as possible.  

  • SMS on demand (interactive SMS) - Obtain necessary information at any time simply by sending an SMS inquiry.

This service provides access to information at your SMS request. Just send a text if you urgently need information on performed transactions on all accounts, applicable exchange rate, approved and current credit card limits, balance of investment fund units, information on term deposits, IBAN, or simply if you are interested in some basic information about the Bank.


How to become a user

If you wish to use SMS info service, please read the General Terms and Conditions of SMS info service for retail customers, fill in an application for setting up SMS info service and come to the nearest OTP banka branch.


Using SMS info service

By setting up the SMS account control, SMS morning balance and SMS control of bank card use services, you receive automatic informative text messages depending on a balance change or a performed transaction. SMS on demand service is interactive and implies a previous message sent by you, containing the code and the parameter of the inquiry. 
Once the SMS inquiry has been received, the Bank will send you the requested information in a text message as soon as possible.

Phone number to which inquiries are sent is the same for all mobile operators in the Republic of Croatia:

Phone no. for sending SMS


GSM operators

T-mobile, VIP, TELE2, bonbon


Please take note of the full list of all codes and parameters of SMS inquiries. You are advised to either remember or save in your phone the most frequently used codes


Present balance of own current account (available amount).


Present balance of a foreign currency account – example for EUR currency


Present balance of a foreign currency account – example for USD currency


Present balance of the giro-account in HRK.


Visa Classic card – information on the approved credit, monthly cash limit, daily cash limit, total available amount, available cash amount, collection day within a month.


Visa Classic revolving card – information on outstanding debt, total accrued debt, amounts drawn down and  reserved, unallocated payments on account, penalty interest.


Visa Classic revolving card – information on the approved credit, monthly cash limit, daily cash limit, total available amount, available cash amount and collection day within a month.


Visa Gold card – information on outstanding debt, total accrued debt, amounts drawn down and  reserved, unallocated payments on account, penalty interest.


Visa Gold card - information on the approved credit, monthly cash limit, daily cash limit, total available amount, available cash amount and collection day within a month.


Mastercard Charge – information on the approved credit, monthly cash limit, daily cash limit, total available amount, available cash amount, collection day within a month.


Mastercard Revolving – information on outstanding debt, total accrued debt, amounts drawn down and reserved, unallocated payments on account, penalty interest.


Mastercard Revolving - information on the approved credit, monthly cash limit, daily cash limit, total available amount, available cash amount and collection day within a month.


Exchange rate of OTP banka for one Euro on the current date


Exchange rate of OTP banka for one US dollar on the current date



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