OTP Round up!
Sometimes it does not take a lot to make someone smile. Sometimes a little goes a long way. Bearing this in mind, in cooperation with Mastercard, OTP banka d.d.
You need bank services?
The account with OTP banka enables you to manage your finances simply and efficiently and at the same time you can avail yourself of an additional range of products and services. 
OTP Cash loans
A long planned trip, skiing, a valuable present for your close one and much more is now within your reach with the OTP banka cash loan!
Always attentive to your needs and wishing to provide easier and faster banking, along with significant saving, we have created a package of services, tailored j
Online services
Mobile and internet banking, SMS info is what you need to have your bank with you at all times, and to manage your finances in a simple and accessible way.

News and notifications

We would like to inform you that the updated Data Protection Policy will come into force in April 24th, 2024. Amendments refer to point II. 4. Processing personal data based on legitimate interest....
We would like to inform you that the updated Data Protection Policy will come into force in November 24th 2023. Amendments refer to point II. 4. Processing personal data based on legitimate interest...
The consolidated profit after tax of OTP Group rose to HUF 990.5 billion, an increase of almost 3 times y-o-y, as a result the annual ROE improved to 27.2% (+16.2 pps y-o-y).
OTP Group posted HUF 281 billion profit after tax in 3Q 2023. The q-o-q 26% drop was to a great extent due to the negative balance of adjustment items (2Q: +HUF 98.1 billion, 3Q: -HUF 26.5 billion).