OTP Optimum Fund


According to its features and nature, OTP Optimum Fund is an open-end alternative investment fund with public offering and principal protection; its objective is to realise as high as possible capital yield on the principal whilst ensuring principal return without reduction upon termination of the Fund.

Fund’s characteristics and objectives

  • Payment of investment without loss at the end of the investment period,
  • Protected yield of 1.5% paid at the end of the investment period,
  • Payment of any capital gain the Fund may realise,
  • Predetermined investment period,
  • Preservation of value of the investment in euro currency.

The Fund is established for the period of 3.5 years, counting from the day of establishment.

Whom is OTP Optimum Fund intended for?

  • Investors who are willing to make mid-term investments,
  • Investors who wish to ensure the principal return without reduction upon termination of the Fund, yet also wish to assume capital market exposure up to a certain extent (invest a part of assets in capital markets),
  • Investors who wish to preserve the value of their stake in euro currency.

Investment objectives and investment strategy

The Fund invests in the following securities:

  • Debt securities issued by the Republic of Croatia,
  • Deposits held with financial institutions,
  • Call option on European equity indices pertaining to these sectors: healthcare, manufacturing of personal items and household equipment, food industry, chemical industry and automotive industry,
  • Investment funds registered in the European Union, which predominately invest in low-risk debt securities,
  • Debt securities issued by local government units, regional government units or legal entities within the EU.


For additional information and clarification of any questions about OTP Optimum Fund, please visit OTP Invest site or the nearest OTP banka branch.

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