OTP banka d.d. donates HRK 100.000 to the School of Medicine, University of Split

OTP banka d.d. made another significant donation for our health protection, this time in the amount of HRK 100.000 to the School of Medicine, University of Split for the procurement of medical equipment and supplies. 

OTP banka d.d. is proud of a true partnership it has with the University of Split, shown through active cooperation with the University’s constituent units and through aiding many of their activities, as well as helping its students through donations. We want to point out how proud we are of our collaborative relationship with the University of Split and also that we have become the employer of a large number of graduates coming from the University.

As another confirmation of our partnership and care for the health of our fellow citizens, we would like to mention the donation to the Neurosciences Institute of the School of Medicine, University of Split, in the amount of HRK 100.000, which shall be used for the procurement of a TMS navigation device (Nexstim NBT System 2, Smart Focus, Finland) and to help introduce a therapy for people suffering from depression, which is resistant to the standard pharmaceutical treatment, all in cooperation with the Psychiatric Clinic of KBC Split.       

Ph.D. Zoran Đogaš, the head of the Neuroscience Institute, who started this initiative in cooperation with Ph.D. Trpimir Glavina, head of the Department and the head of the Psychiatry Clinic, with a consent from the dean, Ph.D. Ante Tonkić and the director of the KBC Split, Ph.D. Julije Meštrović, stated:   “As the first institution in the Republic of Croatia with the experience in the application of the navigation device TMS, the School of Medicine in Split would use its scientific and research experience and potentials and enable clinical application and provide a comprehensive treatment to the people suffering from depression by using a device with high precision and efficiency. This is especially important in these difficult times of a pandemic caused by Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its consequences related mental health that we already feel and will feel in the future. Also, initiating this praiseworthy project shall enable us to strengthen the cooperation between our scientific-research team of the Neuroscience Institute, the Department and the Psychiatry Clinic, help produce high-quality scientific papers and give larger international recognition of the School of Medicine, University of Split” -

With this last donation in the year 2020, overall donations amount to the total of HRK 3,4M given to 10 hospitals across Croatia, all in the effort to aid the health care professionals in their committed work and fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. “We would like to thank all health care professionals who take care of our health, especially in these hard times when they have exposed themselves in order to help their fellow citizens. With this last donation we would like to show our concern for the mental health, importance of which we have realised even more during the isolation and the feeling of personal alienation”, stated by Mr Zvonimir Akrap during the presentation of this valuable donation, who also expressed his wishes for a happier year 2021 and coming back to the normal life as soon as possible.