OTP banka donates 180,000 kuna

Continuing the longstanding tradition of partnership with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, OTP banka secured HRK 180,000 this year for the donation of the premiere performance of the drama "Držić – Viktorija od neprijatelja". At the press conference held on the occasion of the permiere, Director of Business Center Dubrovnik and Southern Dalmatia Ante Režić presented the check to the director of the Games Ivana Medo Bogdanović.

The play "Držić - Viktorija od neprijatelja" directed by Ivica Boban and according to the dramatic concept of Hrvoje Ivanković is set on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of Marin Držić's passing, and is composed from excerpts from Držić's works as well as historical documents on the life of this comedian. The premiere will be performed August 20th with additional performances on 21, 22 and 23 August at the Art School Park.

"We are very pleased that with this donation, we continue our partnership with the Games that lasts more than twenty years. Since this long-lasting festival is known as the symbol of Dubrovnik and its culture, I believe that our co-operation will be long-lasting and help many other dramatic premieres in which Dubrovnik and their guests will enjoy", Ante Režić said on awarding the check.

Within its socially responsible business program "Green Light for Culture", OTP banka has been supporting the dramatic premieres of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival for many years. "Story of a Soldier", "Grižula", "Ondine", "Oresty", "Arkulin", "Skup", "On the terrace", "The Government Inspector", "Kate Kapularica", "Dundo Maroje", "Dubrovnik Trilogy“ and "The Coffee Shop“ are just some of the many plays that, with the support of the bank, have enriched the dramatic program of Dubrovnik Summer Games.