36 projects chosen following a tender for donations of OTP banka

For the thirteenth year running,  OTP banka d.d. invited the tender for donation applications, with eligible applicants from four categories: the young, education and science; protection heritage and environment; humanitarian projects and sports.   

The commission chose 36 projects among which the Bank will distribute EUR 60,000. The selected projects are especially valuable for certain sensitive social groups, and their roll-out is expected to contribute to a higher quality of life in the communities involved. In 2024, donations were granted to the following associations, clubs and institutions registered in the Republic of Croatia:

In the category of the young, education and science:  Elementary school Petar Zoranić in Nin, Stoimena Association for promotion and development of eurhythmy in Zagreb, Zrinyi Miklos Hungarian Scout Squad in Zagreb, and Bravo! – Children’s Cultural Centre for French and English languages.

In the category of heritage and environment protection: Olive Growers Association Oblica from Žrnovnica, Friends of the Baroque Music from Korčula, Folklore Ensemble Jedinstvo Split, Tourist Board of the Municipality of Svetvinčenat, Aria Studio Art Organisation, Society of Kameni cvit from Trogir, Fantast Association from Kneževi Vinogradi, Pričigin Association, Jakov Zadranin Association for the improvement of the quality of life, and Secondary School (Centre of Excellence in chemistry) of Building, Science and Mining from Varaždin.

In the category of humanitarian projects: Centre of Arts, Culture and Personal Development from Zagreb, Prijatelj -Association of the Disabled Persons from Metković, Marra Altrui -Association for the improvement of the quality of life of women with cancer and persons suffering from alopecia, Promise – youth association for P4 medicine, Autism 365 – Association of parents of children and adults in the autistic spectre, and the Museum of Belišće.

In the category of sports: Concordia Badminton Club, Split Tennis Team, Orsan Sailing Club, Žnjan Beach Volleyball Club, Novi Zagreb Shooting Club, Goran Chess Club from Bibinje, Croatian Petanque Federation,  Podstrana Basketball Club, Universitas Split Sailing Club, Mursa Football Club, Casper Chess Club, Marjan 2015 Thai Boxing Club, Zanshin Karate Club, Šibenik Swimming Club, Libertas Football Academy and Dražen Petrović  Youth Basketball Club from Šibenik.

Over the last thirteen years the Bank has donated the total of EUR 736,000 through its donation schemes, helping to finish 543 projects critical for the development of the local communities and the society in general.