The Banker: OTP banka d.d. named the bank of the year in Croatia for 2023

The Banker, most prestigious financial magazine, named OTP banka the best bank in Croatia in 2023.  Other banks within OTP Group named best banks in their respective countries were CKB in Montenegro, SKB in Slovenia and OTP Bank in Albania.

The Banker Magazine of the Financial Times Group, with almost a century-long tradition, being a guarantee of a critical and comprehensive review of business results, progress, and the overall activities of financial institutions in their respective areas, named OTP banka d.d. Bank of the Year in Croatia in 2023 in terms of business performance, customer relations, and the role it plays in society in general.

 “The bank handled the extremely complex process of the euro’s implementation in Croatia without a hitch, with fully functional ATM, point-of-sale terminals and other banking services right from the outset of the euro’s adoption in January 2023.

OTP banka is responding to market and client demand for sustainable development and responsible business, and is strongly connected to the local communities.

It continues to build out its environmental, social and governance strategy, appointing a Sustainable Development Committee chaired by the president of the board.

OTP banka is also dedicated to digitalising all banking services. It is introducing an omnichannel digital banking solution, which is expected to bring numerous benefits, including a more consistent customer experience across different channels. The integration of data analytics also supports the development of more personalised customer offerings and recommendations, based on individual financial needs.”, quoted the Banker magazine.

Mr Balázs Békeffy, president of the Board said: “This is a recognition of the efforts, work and commitment of each of almost 2500 of our colleagues, to whom I am truly grateful. I must mention the support of our OTP Group whose unique experience in the region, in combination with our local Croatian experience and know-how, creates preconditions for business success and, at the same time, wholehearted commitment to the society in which we operate. The past few years have seen OTP banka achieve constant development and growth of business indicators above the market average. All our efforts are aiming to provide services to clients at the highest possible level, in order to be the bank of first choice for every client,and with our corporate social responsibility activities we are committed to being recognized as a different bank, with the desire of contributing to the creation of a different, better future. OTP banka d.d. is determined to keep the focus on utilising the market potential and remain dedicated to sustainability of its operations and further digitalisation of all services.