Financial markets
The Markets Department of OTP banka d.d. provides the services of sale and purchase of financial markets products to its corporate and institutional clients.
Origination of securities
OTP banka provides services to the issuers on the capital markets when they choose an alternative types of financing compared to traditional credit instruments, which includes services of placing or...
Securities and Depositary Services
Thanks to its professional team, long-lasting experience and, individual approach, OTP banka is leader in the Republic of Croatia in providing Custody and Depositary services.

News and notifications

Global Finance has announced its selections for the 21st annual Best Sub-custodian Bank Awards in more than 80 countries. Global Finance’s editorial board considered market research, input...
For the seventh year running, Global Investor/ISF magazine declared OTP banka one of the best custodian banks in the Republic of Croatia based on customer ratings, where the bank was rated first in...
OTP banka confirmed its status of one of leading custodian banks in Croatia  Global Finance magazine has published the results of its 20th election for the award of the best Sub-Custodian bank...
OTP participated in two successful international bond transactions in November this year. As part of a syndicate of dominant investment banks in the international bond market, OTP Bank supported as...