OTP m-token
OTP m-token is the abbreviation for the OTP mobile token application intended for smart phones. Same as your standard token device, this application generates a one-off secret number intended for identification upon access to your accounts every time when the Telephone or Internet banking service is used.
OTP m-token can be installed on mobile phones working on iOS and Android platforms, and the application does not require Internet access to work. Internet access is only necessary upon takeover and activation of the application, or for changing of the PIN. Expand the functionality of your mobile phone and have access to Telephone and Internet banking services even when your token is not at hand.
How to become a user of OTPdirekt?
All you have to do is fill out the application and deliver it to any OTP banka branch. The staff will provide you with a token for using the service, while your token PIN will be mailed to your home address. The instruction manual, instructions for using the token and terms and conditions for using the OTPdirekt service are also available in all OTP banka branches. If you alredy use our Internet banking service, you are automatically entitled to the Telephone banking service free of charge.