OTP banka integrated BPC

After seven months, the process of integrating of the two banks is successfully completed. On December 1, 2014, legal and IT integrations of Banco Popolare Croatia into the OTP banka system were finalized.

Decision made by the Commercial Court in Zadar on December 1, 2014 OTP banka concluded legal integration process of Banco Popolare Croatia. OTP banka started the integration project after the purchase of BPC on April 24 this year. In an impressive period of only seven months the integration was prepared, while preparations for technical integrations were concluded within four months. As many as 130 experts from both banks were involved in the integration process.

Las weekend, from 28 to 30 November, migration of data from the BPC central system to OTP banka central system was conducted. Since Monday morning all 112 branches started operating on OTP IT system.

„We are pleased because the integration process was conducted according to the outlined goals and plans. Teams have been working hard on the project for months so I would like to thank my colleagues, who, with their professionalism and dedication, ensured successful integration of banks in a unique system. An increased network and broader market access in the next year provides us the possibility to dedicate ourselves towards development of our products and services”, said OTP banka CEO Balázs Békeffy.

The bank now offers 112 branches and 252 ATMs across Croatia, while a broader network comprises new locations such as Trogir, Karlovac, Velika Gorica, Varaždin, Čakovac, Slavonski Brod, Požega, Slatina and Vukovar.