OTP bank retail news

OTP banka d.d. and the Union of Bank and Financial Employees concluded a new three-year Collective Bargaining Agreement, allowing bank employees to hold onto all their existing rights, whilst acquiring some new ones. On the 7th of December, the new Collective Bargaining Agreement was concluded in Split. It will cover the period from 01 January 2021 to the end of 2024. On behalf of the bank, the Agreement was signed by Balázs Békeffy, president of the Board, and by Petar Perković, head union representative, on behalf of the Union of Bank and Financial Employees. The new Collective Bargaining...
The most prestigious financial magazine The Banker selected OTP banka d.d. as the Bank of the Year in Croatia in 2021.  OTP Bank in Hungary won the title in the same category. OTP Group is the regional champion of Central and Eastern Europe, , due to its advanced activities and the energetic expansion throughout the whole region. The Banker magazine, whose 95-year tradition guarantees a critical and comprehensive review of business results, progress, but also the overall activities of financial institutions in the area in which they operate, gave the greatest recognition to OTP banka d....
For the first nine months Group-level trends played out overall positively. According to the management guidance: Based on the ytd performing (Stage 1+2) loan volume growth of 11%, the loan book might expand by around 15% (FX-adjusted) for the whole year. Assuming that positive risk trends continue to prevail, adjusted ROE for 2021 may end up between 18-20%. OTP Bank’s management is committed to distribute dividends, including the HUF 119 billion dividend amount after 2019 and 2020, which had been already deducted from the regulatory capital. Regarding the dividend to be paid out after...
Since October, OTP banka has switched to the power generated exclusively from renewable sources.   OTP banka concluded the contract with HEP Opskrba whereby it undertook to go completely green by using a unique product created by HEP Opskrba called ZelEn, where the earnings from the purchase of green energy are channelled to energy efficiency projects and development of renewable sources. "OTP banka is a truly green bank, committed to sustainable development. Purchasing power generated from renewable sources is a part of our new sustainable business strategy.  This year and next...
Before the take-off of another water polo season, OTP banka continues providing support to the most successful Croatian water polo club. The new sponsorship agreement testifies to the long-term status of OTP banka as one of the most important partners of the water polo club, Jug Adriatic osiguranje. Gruž pool was the venue where the president of OTP banka, Balázs Békeffy, and the president of the water polo club, Tomislav Dumančić came together to sign the sponsorship agreement. Before signing the agreement, Balázs Békeffy pointed out: “It is a great pleasure for me to be here today and...
OTP banka and Mastercard® came together to mark the first anniversary of the donation scheme OTP Round up with a live concert by Gibonni. A charity fashion show was also part of the event, where employees of the Children's Hospital Zagreb wore the outfits, and where all the money raised in the auction will go to the donation account to support hospitals. A year ago, OTP banka d.d. launched a large donation scheme in cooperation with Mastercard®, OTP Round up! with a view to enabling, together with its customers, holders of any Mastercard® card, better healthcare to children across Croatia....
French company Groupama operates in 11 markets with 11.5 million customers, and records EUR 14.4 billion of revenue from premiums In Croatia, they will operate under the name Groupama osiguranje and offer a range of products from the life and non-life insurance segment. The takeover is the result of a long-term strategic partnership between Groupama and the OTP Group The new international insurer will start operating on the Croatian market once the Groupama group oobtains the regulatory approval of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (CFSSA) for taking over OTP...
Long-term partnership and cooperation between HNK Hajduk and OTP banka will be extended for another two years. A signing ceremony was held in the White Lounge on the Poljud stadium where the agreement was signed by the president of the Board of HNK Hajduk, Lukša Jakobušić, and Board member of OTP banka, Zvonimir Akrap. Ivan Matan, member of the Board of HNK Hajduk, and Silvija Bareša, director of the Corporate Communications at OTP banka attended the ceremony. The man at the helm of the „Whites“ was far from shy in expressing his satisfaction with the renewed cooperation and the fact that...
For the sixth year in a row, Global Investor/ISF magazine declared OTP banka d.d. one of the best custodian banks in the Republic of Croatia based on customer ratings, where the bank was rated first in two categories, and a runner-up in the third category. This year, Global Investor magazine introduced a new method of acknowledgement of custodian banks, in 3 categories, instead of the typical two: ratings weighted by size of foreign customers’ assets, ratings unweighted by size of foreign customers’ assets, and ratings unweighted by size of domestic customers’ assets. Over 10 categories i.e...
Keeping up with years-long tradition of supporting Dubrovnik Summer Festival, OTP banka donated HRK 180,000 for this summer's last premiere of the play “Lion Head”, based on the novel by author Ivan Salečić. On the occasion of the premiere, Josipa Vodenac, Director of the OTP Bank Business Centre Dubrovnik and Southern Dalmatia presented a cheque to a the Festival’s Creative Director Dora Ruždjak Podolski, adding: „It is a great privilege to OTP banka to be the traditional sponsor of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, which has been rightfully credited with development and recognisability of...