OTP banka is the fourth largest bank in the Croatian banking market, with the total assets of EUR 8,7 billion. In its widely spread network consisting of over 100 branches throughout Croatia, around 2,000 of its employees provide services to over 500.000 retail as well as corporate customers. The registered office of the Bank is in Split.
OTP banka is a part of a strong and reputable financial group stemming from the strongest Hungarian Bank, presently the fastest growing banking group in Central and Eastern Europe. OTP Group operates in eleven countries in the Central and Eastern Europe: Hungary (head office), Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Basic information:
OTP banka dioničko društvo
Domovinskog rata 61
21000 Split, Hrvatska
Phone: 0800 210 021
E-mail: info@otpbanka.hr; Web: www.otpbanka.hr
Statistical number: 3141721
Taxpayer identification number: 52508873833
Registration number: 060000531, registered with the Commercial Court in Split
IBAN: HR5324070001024070003
Share capital: 539.156.898,00 EUR, paid up in full
Total issued shares 19.968.774, each of the nominal value of EUR 27,00
Management board:
Balázs Békeffy, president
Slaven Celić
Zvonimir Akrap
Nikola Mikša
Bruno Biuk
Ivan Šimičević
Nera Šunjić
Supervisory Board:
Péter Csányi, chairman
László Kecskés
Zlatko Mateša
Zsolt Ardó
Ibolya Rajmonné Veres
Árpád Srankó
Natalija Parlov
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