OTP Accountant package

OTP Accountant package

With OTP Accountant Package most products and services intended for MSEs are even more affordable than in our regular offer, and keeping of your LCY transaction account is free of charge. With our eLEMENT@ Internet banking service for MSEs as a part of a package, you can use your smart card or your token to check or to make payments to/from your account or the accounts of your clients, depending on the level of authorisation that they assign to you.

Take the advantages we offer

  • No fee for keeping of the LCY regular transaction account
  • No monthly fee for eLEMENT@ Internet banking when up to 2 smart cards and up to 2 tokens are used
  • No monthly fee for 2 users of OTP m-business service 
  • Up to 100% off front-end fee when applying for any loan (apart from the facilities when the fee is determined by a contract between the Bank and a third party)
  • Up to 100% off front-end fee when applying for guarantees
  • Up 100% off fee for cashless orders
  • No membership fee for Visa Business debit card
  • Up to 100% off registration and up to 100% off membership fee for Visa Business card
  • No fee for setting up of SMS info
  • Up to 50% off SMS info services of interactive SMS and account control, and up to 50% off card control service
  • Lower interest rate on loans (apart from the facilities when the fee is determined by a contract between the Bank and a third party)

Advantages of the OTP Accountant Package depend on the number of clients you provide accounting services to using our eLEMENT@ Internet banking service ("Accounting Services"). The more clients you provide the accounting services to, the more advantages at your disposal! Depending on the number of your clients, you become eligible to one of three sub-types of the OTP Accountant Package.


Find out about savings

Find out about the savings you can avail yourself of by using OTP Accountant Package - compare the regular product prices in OTP banka and the prices paid for this package.


Do not miss out! As a holder of eLEMENT@ smart card, you can also contract FINA's B2G service that provides a number of options for you and your clients:

  • e-Regos service - easier data exchange with the Regos system (R-Sm forms)
  • WEB BON service - taking over of credit worthiness information (BON-1) in Croatian, English and German
  • RGFI service – exchange of financial and statistical reports
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