
OTP banka d.d., Domovinskog rata 3, 23000 Zadar is announcing sale of a part of NPL unsecured retail portfolio. Receivables will be sold as a unique package. We kindly ask all interested parties to contact us on the e-mail address: until 24.05.2018.
After the integration on October 1, the new bank will operate under the name OTP banka Hrvatska with seat in Split. Through the transaction in May 2017, OTP banka became the 100% owner of Splitska banka. Since then, a very complex integration process has been implemented, which will be completed by the full merger on October 1st this year. After that, a unique bank will operate under the name OTP banka Hrvatska and will have its headquarters in Split. Through this merger, the fourth largest bank in Croatia is formed, strongly nationally present with a wide network of branch offices and ATMs...
The consolidated accounting profit was HUF 281.3 billion in 2017 versus HUF 202.5 billion in the base period. In 2017 as a whole adjustment items amounted to -HUF 2.7 billion (after tax). In 2017 OTP Group posted HUF 284.1 billion adjusted after-tax profit (+41% y-o-y), adjusted for the positive impact of the Splitska banka and Vojvodjanska banka acquisitions (in total HUF 11 billion) the increase would be 36% y-o-y. The annual corporate tax burden declined by HUF 6.2 billion partially reasoned by the y-o-y 10 pps lowerHungarian corporate tax rate, as a result the consolidated effective tax...
OTP Group: balance HRK 44 billion, over 11 percent of market share in a diversified business network. The previous year in the OTP Group was marked by the takeover of Splitska banka in May, since when intensive work on the integration process that will be completed by 1 October this year is ongoing. The merger will create the fourth largest bank in Croatia, with strong national presence and predominant financial player in the coastal belt with a network of branch offices and ATMs. Along with intensive integration preparations OTP Group recorded excellent business results in 2017. With a...
OTP banka was the special sponsor of the “Advent u Zadru” St. Lucia program, and donated HRK 10,000 to Sv. Filip i Jakov Rehabilitation Centre on the occasion. Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications Directorate Ivana Lončar Mašina presented the donation check to the Centre director Barbara Čirjak, who stated that they will use donated funds to improve conditions for the Centre beneficiaries.  Sv. Filip i Jakov Rehabilitation Centre provides service for children with developmental difficulties and adults with intellectual impairments. The Centre houses 89 beneficiaries, 88...
OTP banka signed the Diversity Charter, joining a community of more than 7,100 organizations from 18 European countries, thus opening new channels and fresh potential for its organization, employees and the community in which it responsibly operates. The initiative functions as a platform, gathering organizations that will share knowledge, learn from each other, and implement different tools to develop and promote diversity policies. This stipulates continuous development of organizational environments aimed at increasing efficiency of the organization and each individual. Diversity Charter...
The European Banking Authority and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) creating the rules for combat against money laundering and financing of terrorism and coordinating the execution of these rules, as well as the national banks draw the attention of the financial service providers to the high risks inherent in virtual currencies. Both the EBA and the FATF recommend that banks do not buy, sell or register virtual currencies for their own or their clients’ benefit and practice increased caution in relation to them. Such virtual currencies are for example bitcoin, onecoin and other, so...
OTP Bank’s startup accelerator is an intensive three-month program designed for startups to grow their business. They get the chance to collaborate with OTP Group, key player in Eastern Europe. This is a unique opportunity for new ventures to refine their idea or product, pursue new business opportunities and grow their network. OTP Startup Accelerator Website snippet
The consolidated accounting profit was HUF 79.3 billion in 3Q 2017 (-2% q-o-q). During the last three months the following adjustment items appeared: HUF 189 million negative tax effect related to the reversal of impairment charges booked in relation to OTP Mortgage Bank; HUF 155 million (after tax) in relation to the Splitska banka transaction on the Effect of acquisitions line; the quarterly Slovakian banking tax (-HUF 162 million after tax); HUF 302 million dividends and net cash transfers (after tax). As a result, the total amount of adjustment items within 3Q 2017 accounting profit...
OTP banka Hrvatska was awarded for its CSR efforts and achievements in CSR communication, among top 10 companies in Croatia and as the only bank among them. Following an extensive research conducted among Croatian companies, organized by Croatian Employers Association, Global Compact Network Croatia, Good Croatia (business initiative for promotion of CSR) and MEP publishing house, ten companies were selected as top-class examples of excellent CSR communication.  Besides conducted research, the award committee analyzed the CSR content on corporate web, Facebook, Youtube and other...